Sunday, November 22, 2015

Support Groups

Support groups can be a very helpful tool for patients with iron deficiency anemia.  These groups provide not only additional educational information about iron deficiency anemia, but they also provide moral support through being a part of a community of people who struggle with similar health problems.  In these groups, people can find others with similar problems related to iron deficiency anemia and see how they have dealt with their treatment.  This sharing of knowledge is very beneficial for patients as they try to find what works best for them.

One support group for iron deficiency anemia is called the Anemia Support Group.  Located at,this group page provides information about iron deficiency anemia, as well as links to health blogs dealing with iron deficiency anemia.  Additionally, there are discussion posts created by others who had specific questions or problems dealing with different aspects of anemia, such as pernicious anemia, exercising with anemia, and even regarding their confusion about their labs.  These discussions in particular would be helpful for patients with questions about their health care.

Another iron deficiency anemia support group online is found at, called Iron Deficiency Anemia Support Group.  This group is specifically used for the asking and answering of patient questions.  The website boasts of having "54 questions and 64 members," and the questions deal with issues like what medications and prescriptions are best, and how to recognize symptoms of iron deficiency anemia.

Finally, is another online support group that provides information about iron deficiency anemia to the public.  It boasts of having 2,945 members, and the website allows for members to post anything from questions to how they are feeling, and for other members to comment on these posts.  This style of website creates a community of support between all people who suffer from iron deficiency anemia, helping people to not feel alone in their suffering.

Support groups are very useful tools for patients with iron deficiency anemia, and health care providers should encourage them to join one.


  1. Nice article. This blog clearly show the problem related to iron deficiency. Iron deficiency test can help you to understand the possibility of iron deficiency in your body. Thanks

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